To our viewers in Palm Springs: On Monday, August 10 KVCR will temporarily shut down our KJHP-LP transmitter on Edom Hill in order to complete construction of our new digital antenna. We anticipate the construction will take about four days. If you watch KVCR over the air in the Palm Springs or Palm Desert area on channel 24, KVCR will be unavailable during that time. Those who can receive KVCR by cable or satellite, or off the air on channel 9, will not be affected. For more information, give us a call at 909-384-4400 or visit this website for updates. Thank you for your patience.
August 14th, 2020
We are back on the air in the Desert Hot Springs area. We will be running on reduced power for now into our existing temporary antenna. Because of some mechanical changes to the antenna mount, we will not be installing the new antenna until next week—time TBD.
THANK YOU to all our members and viewers in the desert city communities for their loving support of public media!
August 12th, 2020
We’re building a new transmitter to better serve our community in the Palm Springs area!