Week of January 4
Monday, January 4
12:00pm The Roosevelts: An Intimate History “Part 1: Get Action” (Click here for Supplemental Materials)
The lives of the three great Roosevelts -- Teddy, Franklin and Eleanor -- are captured in this series. Ken Burns and producer, Paul Barnes describe the lives and times of these three American icons who influenced 20th century American history more than perhaps any other family. Through wars, revolutions, depressions, movements, the three led the country through what was called America's century. At times they had little in common but for one thing they always had in common . . . their ability, desire and conviction to lead.
In part one, a frail, asthmatic young Theodore Roosevelt transforms himself into a vigorous champion of the strenuous life, loses one great love and finds another, leads men into battle and then rises like a rocket to become the youngest president in American history at 42. Meanwhile, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, brought up as the pampered only child of adoring parents, follows his older cousin's career with worshipful fascination and begins to think he might one day follow in his footsteps.
Watch the show here: https://www.pbs.org/video/roosevelts-get-action-1858-1901/
Tuesday, January 5
12:00pm The Roosevelts: An Intimate History “Part 2: In the Arena” (Click here for Supplemental Materials)
The lives of the three great Roosevelts -- Teddy, Franklin and Eleanor -- are captured in this series. Ken Burns and producer, Paul Barnes describe the lives and times of these three American icons who influenced 20th century American history more than perhaps any other family. Through wars, revolutions, depressions, movements, the three led the country through what was called America's century. At times they had little in common but for one thing they always had in common . . . their ability, desire and conviction to lead.
In part two, murder brings Theodore Roosevelt to the presidency, but in the seven years that follow, he transforms the office and makes himself perhaps the best-loved of all the men who ever lived in the White House -battling corporate greed and building the Panama Canal, preserving American wilderness, carrying the message of American might around the world. FDR courts and weds Eleanor Roosevelt, the shy orphaned daughter of Theodore's alcoholic brother, Elliott. Together, they begin a family. Franklin enters a law firm, but when he is offered a chance to run for the New York state senate, he jumps at the chance.
Watch the show here: https://www.pbs.org/video/roosevelts-part-2-arena-1901-1910/
Wednesday, January 6
12:00pm Roosevelts: An Intimate History “Part 3: The Fire of Life” (Click here for Supplemental Materials)
The lives of the three great Roosevelts -- Teddy, Franklin and Eleanor -- are captured in this series. Ken Burns and producer, Paul Barnes describe the lives and times of these three American icons who influenced 20th century American history more than perhaps any other family. Through wars, revolutions, depressions, movements, the three led the country through what was called America's century. At times they had little in common but for one thing they always had in common . . . their ability, desire and conviction to lead.
In part three Theodore Roosevelt leads a Progressive crusade that splits his own party, undertakes a deadly expedition into the South American jungle, campaigns for American entry into World War I - and pays a terrible personal price. Franklin masters wartime Washington as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, while Eleanor finds personal salvation in war work. Her discovery of Franklin's romance with another woman transforms their marriage into a largely political partnership. TR's death at 60 is almost universally mourned, but provides Franklin with a golden opportunity.
Watch the show here: https://www.pbs.org/video/roosevelts-part-3-fire-life-1910-1919/
Thursday, January 7
12:00pm The Roosevelts: An Intimate History “Part 4: The Storm” (Click here for Supplemental Materials)
The lives of the three great Roosevelts -- Teddy, Franklin and Eleanor -- are captured in this series. Ken Burns and producer, Paul Barnes describe the lives and times of these three American icons who influenced 20th century American history more than perhaps any other family. Through wars, revolutions, depressions, movements, the three led the country through what was called America's century. At times they had little in common but for one thing they always had in common . . . their ability, desire and conviction to lead.
Franklin Roosevelt runs for vice president in 1920 and seems assured of a still brighter future until polio devastates him the following summer. He spends seven years struggling without success to walk again, while Eleanor builds a personal and political life of her own. FDR returns to politics in 1928 and, as governor of New York, acts with such vigor and imagination during the first years of the Great Depression that the Democrats turn to him as their presidential nominee in 1932. He survives an attempted assassination as president-elect and at his inauguration tells his frightened countrymen the only thing they have to fear is "fear itself."
Watch the show here: https://www.pbs.org/video/roosevelts-part-4-storm-1920-1933/
Friday, January 8
12:00pm The Roosevelts: An Intimate History “Part 5: The Rising Road” (Click here for Supplemental Materials)
The lives of the three great Roosevelts -- Teddy, Franklin and Eleanor -- are captured in this series. Ken Burns and producer, Paul Barnes describe the lives and times of these three American icons who influenced 20th century American history more than perhaps any other family. Through wars, revolutions, depressions, movements, the three led the country through what was called America's century. At times they had little in common but for one thing they always had in common . . . their ability, desire and conviction to lead.
FDR brings the same optimism and energy to the White House that his cousin Theodore displayed. Aimed at ending the Depression, his sweeping New Deal restores the people's self-confidence and transforms the relationship between them and their government. Eleanor rejects the traditional role of first lady, becomes her husband's liberal conscience and a sometimes controversial political force in her own right. As the decade ends, FDR faces two grave questions: whether to run for an unprecedented third term and how to deal with the rise of Hitler.
Watch the show here: https://www.pbs.org/video/roosevelts-part-5-rising-road-1933-1939/