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Education | At Home Learning - 9th - 12th - February 15

Week of February 15

Monday, February 15

12:00pm The Long Shadow

When two daughters of the South, Director Frances Causey and Producer Sally Holst, set out to find causes for the continuing racial divisions in the United States, they discovered that the politics of slavery didn't end after the Civil War. In an astonishingly candid look at the history of anti-black racism in the United States, "The Long Shadow" traces the imposition of white privilege and its ultimate manifestation: slavery.

Show is not available online, but you can watch the preview here:

1:00pm In Tune: The Ben Tucker Story

This is an hour long documentary about Ben Tucker who changed the face of Savannah. Arriving in 1971, this African-American bass player, created Schoolhouse Rock, opened Hard Hearted Hannah's, and wrote Comin' Home Baby. His passion for music and love of Savannah bridged a very wide racial gap.

Watch the show here:

Tuesday, February 16

12:00pm Driving While Black

Discover how the advent of the automobile brought new freedoms and new perils for African Americans on the road in this deep look into the dynamics of race, space and mobility in America over time.

Watch the show here:

Wednesday, February 17

12:00pm Boss: The Black Experience L

earn about the untold story of African American entrepreneurship, where skill, industriousness, ingenuity and sheer courage in the face of overwhelming odds provide the backbone of this nation's economic and social growth.

Watch the show here: (Passport Required)

Thursday, February 18

12:00pm POV “And She Could Be Next Part1 : Building the Movement”

The story of a defiant movement of women of color, transforming politics from the ground up by fighting for a truly reflective democracy. Watch the show here:

Friday, February 19

12:00pm POV “And She Could Be Next Part 2: Claiming Power”

The story of a defiant movement of women of color, transforming politics from the ground up by fighting for a truly reflective democracy. Watch the show here:

1:30pm Twenty First Century Dialogues Local historian Hardy Brown II takes six San Bernardino Valley College students on a journey of historical empathy by presenting them with artifacts from Pre-Civil War slavery. As the group handles shackles that held children and reads over laws that treated human beings like used cars, they engage in a dialogue that compares the past with the present, and breaks down how human bondage was one of America's original sins.

Watch the show here:

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